Jul 27Liked by Evan Goldfine

Evan - I didn't know you were a Schumann fan. I've been listening to him a lot this past year, and I've enjoyed almost everything I've heard of his so far (I know many people feel the exact opposite). I respect that he can be tempestuous and unruly but also intimate and lyrical. That big tune at the beginning of the "Rhenish" symphony particularly sings to me. Also the slow movement from the piano quintet. It's almost minimalistic, gorgeous, and mournful. Though neither is obscure.

Tchaikovsky is SO lyrical. That "cantabile" from the 5th could be dropped right into an opera easily.

If singers like Billy Joel can take a Beethoven piano sonata, or the librettist for "Babe" can take Saint-Saens 3rd symphony and set it to words, and not to forget Blackbird - why not? (I wish I could, but I'm talentless).

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Yeah -- my favorite Schumann are the songs and a lot of the piano music, but I don't *love* the orchestral music.

Some favorites:



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Aug 27Liked by Evan Goldfine

I'm late (the move went well, I'm almost done settling in). I think most people with 2 ears hate Schumann's orchestration. I in my ignorance find no fault with it and enjoy all his symphonies. Thank you for sharing these! The piano line to that song reminds me of the opening to Rachmaninoff's 3rd - or is it just that that piece happened to pop randomly into my head earlier? I like his Carnaval a lot, too. It's fun.

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Congrats on the move!

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Bach is loaded with those wonderful fragments for the picking. Happily, they yield extended original ideas which become the new tune. Having a Bach motive as a launching pad? You've got gems to be written, Evan. I look forward to it.

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Good composers borrow, great ones steal. - Igor Stravinsky

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Jul 24Liked by Evan Goldfine

The "goofy piccolo/fife thing" in BWV 103 sounds to me like a sopranino recorder. But I'm far from an expert, other than playing tenor recorder in a high school baroque chamber ensemble over 45 years ago.

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This sounds right! Nice spot.

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