One of the great melodies of all time (which isn’t even Bach’s thing, but yes, he could do it all). Not usually a “big Bach” fan, but Richter nails this one with the lushness of the strings.

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Couldn’t agree more here

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I first heard this Bach piece via the Swingle Singers! https://youtu.be/wLOu50pohdU?si=JRP9XQOhbx9NPwML

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Ha -- looks like they did a few versions -- this is a swingin'/lounge performance from 1963: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tklwHT081sg&pp=ygUYc3dpbmdsZSBzaW5nZXJzIGJhY2ggNjQ1

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I’ve never heard this performed so slowly. Love the extra layer of warmth and sentimentality this tempo creates.

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